Purchasing Behavior and Marketing Mix Factors Affecting Cosmetics Purchase Decision in Mueang Phayao District, Phayao Province


  • สุภัสรา บุญเรือง


Marketing Mix, Purchasing Decision, Cosmetics, Phayao Province


The study on purchasing behavior and marketing mix factors affecting cosmetics purchase decisions in Mueang Phayao District, Phayao Province, has the following objectives: 1) to examine the demographic factors influencing purchase decisions  2) to assess the levels of marketing mix factors and purchasing behavior impacting decisions and 3) to investigate the relationship between marketing mix factors and purchase decisions. The sample comprised 385 individuals who had purchased cosmetics in Phayao Province. Both descriptive and inferential statistics including T-tests F-tests and multiple regression analysis, were used for the analysis.

          The research findings indicate that most cosmetic users were female, aged 20-30 years, with a bachelor’s degree, employed as laborers or company staff, and had an average monthly income of 15,001-30,000 baht. Demographic factors such as gender age education occupation and income influenced cosmetics purchase decisions. The decision was primarily influenced by the individuals' own choices. The main purpose of the purchases was for personal use, with cosmetics bought 1-2 times per month priced below 500 baht for makeup, and typically purchased from stores near home.The levels of the four marketing mix factors were rated high overall (Mean = 3.98). Among these, the price aspect had the highest mean value (Mean = 4.55), followed by promotion (Mean = 4.12), product (Mean =3.73), and distribution channel (Mean =3.53). The multiple regression analysis revealed that the factors significantly related to purchase decisions were product, price, distribution channel, and promotion. The results of the multiple regression analysis showed that the four marketing mix factors product, price, distribution channel, and promotion entered the regression equation and were statistically significant at the 0.05 level. The regression equation is:  Y = 0.17 + 0.32 (product) + 0.22(price) + 0.19(distribution channel) + 0.22 (promotion); R² = 0.61.


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