Risywah and Election From Islamic Principle to the Phenomenon of Melayu Muslim Community in Thailand’s Southernmost Border Provinces

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Imron Sahoh
Yasmin Sattar
Abdulawwal Sidi


This article is a part of research on “The Dynamics of Melayu Muslim Politicians’ Movements amidst the Violence in the Southern Border Provinces” funded by Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI). The article aims to discuss on the Risywah and ‘Vote Buying’ or bribe during the election in Thailand’s southernmost provinces (Patani). This work is a qualitative research which collects data from related articles, in-depth interviews with politicians’ election campaigners, politicians, academicians, religious leaders. The result found that in the deep south provinces, vote buying is one of the significant factors enabling politicians to win the election in their districts. Also, Islamic principles have been used to clarify the justification of carrying out vote buying and attempt to explain that it is not similar to the concept of Risywah. This study concludes that Risywah is prohibited in Islam, yet many people avoid mentioning that directly in order to make it reasonable justification and subsequently become a general practice in society with concept joining in politics for good benefit. In addition, vote buying seems to be a common value in society. 

Article Details

How to Cite
Sahoh, I., Sattar, Y., & Sidi, A. (2022). Risywah and Election: From Islamic Principle to the Phenomenon of Melayu Muslim Community in Thailand’s Southernmost Border Provinces. Journal of Political and Social Agenda, 1(1), 39–56. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/polsciPSU/article/view/258277
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Imron Sahoh, Prince of Songkla University

Researcher at The Center for Conflict Studies and Cultural Diversity (CSCD), Institute for Peace Studies,
Prince of Songkla University. 181 Jalearnpradit Rd, Rusamilae, Muang, Pattani 94000.
Email: Imron.s@psu.ac.th

Yasmin Sattar, Prince of Songkla University

Lecturer at Faculty of Political Science, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus. 181 Jalearnpradit
Rd, Rusamilae, Muang, Pattani 94000. Email: Yasmin.s@psu.ac.th

Abdulawwal Sidi, Fatoni University

Researcher at Madinatussalam Project, Fatoni University. Bana, Muang, Pattani 94000. Email:siddiqabdulevvel@gmail.com 


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