Happiness in Perspectives of People in 3 Southern Border Provinces Viewing from Concept of Hegemony

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Piya Kittaworn


This article presents the research findings on Survey of Happiness of Multicultural Communities in the Perspectives of People in the Community: A Case Study of Multicultural Communities in the 3 Southern Border Provinces (2019) by using a specific qualitative research method in Buddhist and Muslims communities of Pattani and Narathiwat Provinces in coastal, plain and the foothill areas included 4 villages, from the sample group of 3 age groups, the elderly, working age and youth. It was found that an important condition for creating happiness in both Buddhist and Muslim communities in the aforementioned areas is restoring the abundance of natural resources, building a good relationship between government officials and the community, accepting the identity of the villagers, acknowledging the value of diversity. The analysis results according to Gramsci’s Hegemony concept of domination which divides society into two parts, namely the ruling class (State Society) and the civil society (Civil Society). The root cause of conflicts that lead to violence in the southern border provinces was caused by the ruling class exercises its power with consensus, the surrender of the people as if by physical coercion with repression. While within the civil society area, there are institutions that are the source of people’s relationships such as family, religious, educational and media institutes, It serves to create and pass on a set of ideas and beliefs that make most people in Thai society do not appreciate the diversity. The recommendations from this article are the creation of a new understanding that is free from the dominance of the powers leading from the parties. By creating a consensus based on sympathy for fellow human beings, advocating a process of debate, exchange about issues that occur and exist in the daily life of all groups of people all parties in the southern border provinces, which will lead to lasting peace forever.

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How to Cite
Kittaworn, P. . (2022). Happiness in Perspectives of People in 3 Southern Border Provinces: Viewing from Concept of Hegemony. Journal of Political and Social Agenda, 1(1), 1–11. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/polsciPSU/article/view/259484
Special Article
Author Biography

Piya Kittaworn, Former Dean, Faculty of Political Science, Prince of Songkla University

Former Dean, Faculty of Political Science, Prince of Songkla University


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