Public Participation in Tourism Development and Management according to the Tourism Plan of the Koh Kret Sub-district Administrative Organization, Nonthaburi Province

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Praedau Foopanichpruk


This research has two objectives which are: 1) to study public participation of local people in tourism development and management according to the Tourism Plan of the Koh Kret Sub-district Administrative Organization (the Koh Kret SAO) and 2) to find problems and obstacles in participation of local people in tourism development and management. The researcher has employed the qualitative research method by taking documentary reviews, performing in-depth interviews and conducting focus group discussions. The research was found that local people have low rate of participation in tourism planning. Local people are less participated in implementation of the projects and activities in the tourism plan. Tourism has generated income to the local people and has brought prosperity to the area. Tourism contributes to education and learning about local history and culture. Local people organize and keep cleanliness of their areas in order to attract tourists. In monitoring and evaluating the performance of the Koh Kret SAO, only the village headman and members of the Koh Kret SAO Council are included in the audit committee. Problems and obstacles of public participation in tourism development and management are local people are less interested in community development, most of them do not care about and do not want to join the public hearings in their communities, and they do not know and do not understand the participation rights to implement, monitor, examine and evaluate the performance of the Koh Kret SAO.

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How to Cite
Foopanichpruk, P. (2022). Public Participation in Tourism Development and Management according to the Tourism Plan of the Koh Kret Sub-district Administrative Organization, Nonthaburi Province. Journal of Political and Social Agenda, 1(2), 82–109. Retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Praedau Foopanichpruk, Institute of Public Policy and Development





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