Fish in the Water The Food Web of Relationship between People in Patani Reflected from the Story of Budu

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Arthit Thongin


This research article examines the web of relationship between people in Patani/Southern border provinces of Thailand through the story of Budu, based on the Anthropology of Food and Post-Behavioral Political Science approaches. On the basis of qualitative research, the article collects data from focus group discussions and interviews, and analyzes data with hermeneutics and ordinary linguistic analysis. The case studies of this article mainly rely on two areas include of Ban Nam Bo sub-district, Panare district and Saiburi district in Pattani province. The results reflect that Budu production and distribution process is a food-related activity that connects different groups of people as well as connects people with nature and culture. Meanwhile, the dynamics of the Budu story reflect the process I call the construction of imagined Budu community, which mean the process of Budu infiltration into integral part of Melayu culture in both Patani and the northen Malaysia. Also, the construction of this kind of imagined community is the process that Budu get the significant status as referent point of memory and remembrance about homeland and Melayu identity among Melayu diaspora.

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How to Cite
Thongin, A. (2022). Fish in the Water: The Food Web of Relationship between People in Patani Reflected from the Story of Budu. Journal of Political and Social Agenda, 1(2), 39–56. Retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Arthit Thongin, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University





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