The 14th General Election Malaysia's Political Turning Point

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Chaiwat Meesanthan


This paper aims to study and analyze the factors that caused political changes in Malaysia in the 14th general election. This marked a crucial political turning point and marked a radical change in the political landscape of Malaysia over the past 60 years, which the government was originally from the Barisan Nasional (BN) and the prime minister from the UMNO Party (UMNO). It was the first defeat since independence in 1957. This qualitative research is documentary research, which collects data from primary and secondary resources. The results of the research revealed that the political turning point in Malaysia in the 14th general election consisted of 4 main factors: 1. Political factors 2. Economic factors 3. Social factors and 4. Social media influence. With the issue of 1MDB corruption, these are all important factors that cause all changes. From all the factors mentioned above, the researcher saw through the theory of democracy and political participation reflecting that the democratic participation of the Malaysian people can be expressed in many ways, whether pouring votes for the opposition protest and elections in a truly democratic process. This is due to the mentioned factors that have caused political changes in the 14th general election.


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How to Cite
Meesanthan, C. (2022). The 14th General Election: Malaysia’s Political Turning Point. Journal of Political and Social Agenda, 1(2), 1–18. Retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Chaiwat Meesanthan, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University

Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University,
2 Prachan Rd, Bangkok, Thailand 10200



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