ในนามีข้าว ในนาข้าวมีคน บทสนทนาเบื้องต้นเกี่ยวกับชีวิตผู้คนปตานี ผ่านเรื่องราวของนาข้าว

Main Article Content

Arthit Thongin


This academic article aims to explore the way of people’s life in the low land of Patani by using a dialogue method on the story of paddy fields. Based on the approach of anthropology of food and post-behavioral political science, the author conducted an interview and discussions with a number of relevant papers. The process leads to a preliminary dialogue about the web of relationship between people through stories about rice in three main areas: the nature of land uses for agriculture in Patani; the history of farming and; the social, economic, and political meanings reflected in the rice production process. These contents are mainly related to the areas of Waeng and Ruesoa district in Narathiwat province and Nong Chik distirct in Pattani province. The study results reflect that rice paddy land was being abandoned for rubber plantations with the disappearance of native rice varieties. The introduction of the irrigation system has significantly changed the way of rice farming in the area. Most farmers today still cultivate rice but with the main purpose of harvesting for household consumption and the rest is then sold to the main market in their own community.  

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How to Cite
Thongin, A. (2023). ในนามีข้าว ในนาข้าวมีคน: บทสนทนาเบื้องต้นเกี่ยวกับชีวิตผู้คนปตานี ผ่านเรื่องราวของนาข้าว . Journal of Political and Social Agenda, 2(1), 87–99. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/polsciPSU/article/view/264992
Academic Articles



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