Pa(t)tani and 2023’s Election Identities, Money, and Transition?

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Imron Sahoh


This research aims to analyze the key issues that emerged during the 2023 elections in the southern border region/Patani. The 2023 election brought about notable transformations in Thai Politics on a national scale, particularly marked by the ascendancy of the Move Forward Party as the most prominent contender in the House of Assembly. Although the influence of the Move Forward Party did not culminate in triumph in the southern border area of Patani, the election period revealed significant phenomena and dynamics within this region. Employing a qualitative research approach involving data collection and analysis, the study yielded crucial findings pertaining to the Deep South/Patani area, encompassing the intricate dimensions of identity such as religious affiliation, ethnicity, gender, and youth. Moreover, the discourse surrounding the significance of financial resources as a prerequisite for candidacy in the southern border area of Patani remains a central point of contention. Furthermore, compelling observations regarding transformations at the regional level, including the growing engagement of former civil society actors in the realm of politics, the emergence of the Party of Justice, and the perceived trend of policy-focused campaigning in various debates have come to light.

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How to Cite
Sahoh, I. (2023). Pa(t)tani and 2023’s Election: Identities, Money, and Transition?. Journal of Political and Social Agenda, 2(1), 30–47. Retrieved from
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