The Use of Electronic Monitoring Device for Provisional Release or Travel Restrictions in the Court of Justice

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Wutt Supakul


This study analyzed temporary release stipulated in the Amendment to the Criminal Procedure Law (No. 30) B.E. 2558 (2015) for temporarily release using electronic monitoring to address social inequality issues or escape of the defendant. Prison overcrowding does not conform to the principle of presumption of innocence for the defendant, although ultimate conviction should lead to being considered a criminal. Qualitative research was done with data gathered from documents and in-depth interviews for a cost-benefit analysis of the civil service system to effectively fulfill its mission.


  1. When invoking the right to secure provisional release, the court should use discretion according to specific case details.

  2. The court should apply electronic monitoring for temporary release in cases with prospective imprisonment of at least ten years, while assessing flight risk or establish a guardian to conduct the hearing; for cases with prospective sentencing of under ten years, electronic monitoring use should be considered if the temporarily released detainee flees or endangers others. The court should reduce bail in case of temporary release with bail and security.

  3. A central organization should supervise electronic monitoring use.

  4. Electronic monitoring use should be promoted.

  5. Electronic monitoring equipment should be evaluated after use.

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How to Cite
Supakul, W. (2023). The Use of Electronic Monitoring Device for Provisional Release or Travel Restrictions in the Court of Justice. Journal of Political and Social Agenda, 2(2), 1–22. Retrieved from
Research Articles



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