Ms. Marvel and the Portrayal of Political and Religious Issues through the Perspective of Muslim Students in the Southern Border Provinces of Thailand, Prince of Songkla University Pattani campus

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Worawit Suwanrat


This research aims to study the perspectives of Muslim students in Prince of Songkla University (PSU) Pattani Campus residing in the southern border provinces regarding the "Ms. Marvel" series within the context of political and religious frameworks. The series was selected as the object of study due to the character Ms. Marvel’s multifaceted identities which are the same religion and being a minority that resonate with Muslim students in the three southern border provinces of Thailand, particularly in PSU Pattani campus, which serves as the sample group for this research. Utilizing qualitative methodology, this study gathers data through focus group interviews. The findings of the research are multifaceted. Firstly, the series is identified as a tool for the hegemony of power, endeavoring to modernize the foundational values of Islam by proffering a unilateral perspective. Secondly, it engenders misconceptions regarding the fundamental tenets of Islam. Thirdly, it serves as a mechanism to underscore the power of a superpower nation amidst the prevailing trend of Islamophobia. Nevertheless, it is imperative to acknowledge that the series also yields considerable positive impacts. It facilitates the dissemination of knowledge from Western contexts to local audiences and acts as a medium for showcasing the diversity of Islamic traditions, thereby contributing to the diminution of cultural prejudice within society.

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How to Cite
Suwanrat, W. (2023). Ms. Marvel and the Portrayal of Political and Religious Issues through the Perspective of Muslim Students in the Southern Border Provinces of Thailand, Prince of Songkla University Pattani campus . Journal of Political and Social Agenda, 2(2), 23–40. Retrieved from
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