Stateless Democracy "Rojava" : Maintaining Political Stability over the Sovereignty of the State in the Area "Syrian Kurdistan"

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Yutthasart Norkaew


This article aims to study the political development of the Kurdish people in the area "Syrian Kurdistan" where is one of the territories of "Kurdistan" according to the "Treaty of Sèvres" which gave the Kurds the right to establish a "nation state," but this was not guaranteed by ratification by an external "independent state." Later, the great powers joined together and sign again in The Treaty of Lausanne that led to the establishment of the "Republic of Turkey." That was unfairly replaced and the "League of Nations" divided the territory "Kurdistan" into 4 parts according to the "Sykes-Picot Agreement" by distributed within the sovereign states of Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran until present. Later on, the Kurds jointed together and formed "Partiya Karkeren Kurdistan" (PKK) and "Partiya Yekîtiya Demokrat" (PYD) in sequence, in order to the purpose of maintaining their international political strongholds in both Turkey and Syria. However, the "Arab Spring" events brought significant changes to many strategic and geopolitical areas of the Middle East. In the end, the Kurds in northern and eastern Syria won a decisive victory. Therefore, the autonomous region "Rojava" was established within the sovereign state of Syria. By using guidelines "Democracy" is an important milestone in the administration under the form of government. "Democratic federation" with the foundation of sovereignty in the form of an inverted pyramid. Where citizens can freely exercise democratic power through various local committees without authority from the central government to control and oversee. This model differs from the governance model of a "nation state" which emphasizes on the foundation of sovereignty in the form of a "bureaucratic state" which based on international principles as seen in the global community in general. In conclusion, the stateless democratic process of "Rojava" represents a form of local governance characterized by a highly autonomous and administratively robust local organization, surpassing the governance of localities in the form of a "nation-state."

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How to Cite
Norkaew, Y. (2024). Stateless Democracy "Rojava": : Maintaining Political Stability over the Sovereignty of the State in the Area "Syrian Kurdistan". Journal of Political and Social Agenda, 3(1), 19–38. Retrieved from
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