Future Trends and Opportunities after the Restoration of Diplomatic Relations between Thailand and Saudi Arabia

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Amree Asae
Hussam Japakeeya



The research on the future trends and opportunities after the restoration of diplomatic relations between Thailand and Saudi Arabia aims to study the opportunities and challenges post-restoration and revitalization of diplomatic relations between Thailand and Saudi Arabia. It also seeks to examine the perspectives of experts, Thai Muslim scholars, and students on the restoration of Thai-Saudi relations. This research is qualitative, utilizing in-depth interviews covering articles, books, and related research. It employs the National Interests Theory to explain, through the PEST Analysis framework, the return to diplomatic relations, which brings opportunities for cooperation and mutual development to achieve national strategies, such as Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 and Thailand's Bio-Circular-Green Economy. The researchers found that the restoration of diplomatic relations between Thailand and Saudi Arabia brings opportunities for cooperation and mutual development, especially in political, security, economic, social, and technological innovation aspects. However, the researchers also found significant challenges in the restoration of diplomatic relations between Thailand and Saudi Arabia, particularly in the social aspect, as past mistakes have led Saudi nationals to remember and worry about changes that contradict traditional customs. Therefore, it is necessary for both countries to study each other to gain new understanding in this current restoration of diplomatic relations.

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How to Cite
Asae, A., & Japakeeya, H. (2024). Future Trends and Opportunities after the Restoration of Diplomatic Relations between Thailand and Saudi Arabia. Journal of Political and Social Agenda, 3(1), 1–18. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/polsciPSU/article/view/272217
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