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ษิตาพร สุริยา


Aim of this article for reflecting the image of how knowledge transferring barrier of baby boomer affect knowledge management in public organization? And present the ways of sustainable knowledge transferring to be able to handle the losing staffs or employees from retirement situation that public organization has to facing US today. If public organization has awareness about these problems, so should be required to prepare for the long term plan to operate organization smoothly and achieve their goals. Thailand is entering the elderly society, so the problem of knowledge management in public sector organizations is due to the retirement crisis, such as 1) working-age gap in the workplace, 2) dependence on the individual rather than on the knowledge management system, 3) respect for the seniority of Thai society, and 4) barriers to paradigm shift that affect knowledge management. And the approaches to sustainable knowledge transferring are reducing the gap between ages, creating value in learning for the organizational members, attitude adjustment and open minded for listening, and paradigm shifting to human resource management.

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สุริยา ษ. (2017). อุปสรรคในการถ่ายโอนความรู้ของบุคลากรรุ่นเบบี้บูมเมอร์มีผลกระทบต่อการจัดการความรู้ในองค์กรภาครัฐอย่างไร. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 27(1), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.14456/pyuj.2017.13
Academic Articles


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