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ภวรี ภู่นรินทร์
ศันสนีย์ ศรีปรางค์
กณภัทร ศรีทอง
ไกรสร ชัยโรจน์กาญจนา


Community pharmacies are typically the first place that people visit when they are ill. However, community pharmacies in Thailand are not achieved the desired level of professional standard. This study aims to determine the greatest worry or fear of people visiting community pharmacies in Thailand. The data was obtained from people living or working in Pathum Thani province, Thailand. The data was obtained through questionnaires. This data was analyzed with descriptive statistic and inferential statistic such as t-test and one way ANOVA.

The following preliminary data was obtained through this research: most participants were female (61.33%). They were mainly generation Y (51.05%). They were educated up to a Bachelor’s Degree (49.62%). They worked as employees in companies (24.38%). The most significant issue raised from participants was “Sellers were not pharmacists (88.1%)”. Three were not significant differences between male or female (p value >0.05) but people in baby- boom group worried much more than people from generation X and Y (p value =0.0001 and 0.002 respectively). The second issue that participants cited was that “Pharmacists made mistakes in dispensing (85.5%)”. เท this instance, there were significant differences between post graduate people and people who were educated up to a Bachelor’s Degree or less (p value =0.008 and 0.003 respectively). Another issue was that “Pharmacists made mistakes in diagnosis (82.7%) which was significantly difference between people in baby-boom group and those from generation X, Y, z (p value = 0.005, 0.044 and 0.035 respectively). Undergraduates were more worried than graduates by a significant margin (p value = 0.011). Moreover, they worried about the issue that “Pharmacists dispensed medication that effect the fetus”.

In summary, this study shows that participants were most worry about the following issues: “Sellers were not pharmacists”, “Pharmacists made mistakes in dispensing”, “Pharmacists made mistakes in diagnosis”, “Pharmacists dispensed medication that affected the fetus”. Thai pharmacists must stay alert of these issues and continually update their knowledge to ensure that their patients obtain the best pharmaceutical care services. This includes improving communication with patients to avoid mistakes and misunderstandings. This would improve both the service and the image of community pharmacies in Thailand.

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How to Cite
ภู่นรินทร์ ภ., ศรีปรางค์ ศ., ศรีทอง ก., & ชัยโรจน์กาญจนา ไ. (2017). ความกังวลใจของประชาชนในจังหวัดปทุมธานีที่มีต่อร้านยา. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 27(1), 215–231. https://doi.org/10.14456/pyuj.2017.7
Research Articles


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