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ดำรัสศิริ ศิลปวัฒนานันท์
ชญาน์นันท์ เผ่าศรีเจริญ


Waste management has become increase challenges for countries around the world particularly in developing and transitional countries. This reflected mainly in inappropriate management, underdeveloped technology within unfavorable economic situation and the lack of environmental awareness, causing a tremendous environmental impact. This research article’s objectives collaborate the results of the evaluation of(1) the context of the waste disposal for scattering and producing bio-fertilizer plant’s project by the Chiang Mai Official Administrative Organization. (2) the appropriate of the input factors and the process of the project. (3) the appropriateness of the product of the project and (4) the people’s knowledge, awareness, and their behavior toward the waste management. In order that the local government organization could use the result to recycling the project of the waste disposal for scattering and producing bio-fertilizer plant’s. And also the local government organization could manage the households’ waste in the area around the project. Tools were used for collecting data; questionnaire, face to face in-depth interview, focus group with brain storming technique, and visiting a good example dealing with the waste management in households. Descriptive statistics and the CIPP Model were used to analyze the data. The research findings show that the project managed by the Chiang Mai Official Administrative Organization had strengths by the supporting factors which conclude in 3 parts; (1) the context: an appropriate level of the context was the good level by the average 4.19, (2) the input: an appropriate level of the input was the good level by the average 4.54, and also the process: an appropriate level of the process was the good level by the average 3.70. However, the risk factors which were the weaknesses of the project were the product: problems which’s impact in the medium level by the average 3.21.And most of people knew and was aware to managed households’ waste (93.23%). Moreover their behavior to manage waste were also satisfied in every issue. Essentially, the ways to manage the waste in the short term were: the local government organization, people, and the Chiang Mai official administrative organization should cooperate to remain the strengths which were the appropriate factors in the good and excellent level. On the other hand, they should reform the risk factors which were the appropriate factors in the medium level to the very poor level.  And also, they should cooperate to set up rules to manage the project: the waste disposal plant for scattering and producing bio-fertilizer. For the long term, people should manage waste in their households by themselves accordance with the good example village by following the principles of the sufficiency economy appropriately.

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ศิลปวัฒนานันท์ ด., & เผ่าศรีเจริญ ช. (2016). การประเมินผลการจัดการโครงการโรงงานกำจัดขยะมูลฝอยขององค์การบริหารส่วนจังหวัดเชียงใหม่. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 26(1), 107–128. https://doi.org/10.14456/pyuj.2016.4
Research Articles


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