ชีวิตและการทำพันธกิจของคริสตจักรท้องถิ่นในเขตเมืองเชียงใหม่ สังกัดคริสตจักรภาคที่ 1 สภาคริสตจักรในประเทศไทย

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เอสเตอร์ เวคแมน


 This study is a basic research that aims to examine characteristics and ministries of the local churches in Chiang Mai city area on the basis of biblical and theological understanding of the church. Data is taken from 91 members of the local Chiang Mai city churches. Methodology consists of literature review, questionnaire, focus groups, and interview.

From this research, it is found that the local churches in Chiang Mai city area is a community of believers whose lives reflect characteristics of the church according to the biblical and theological teaching. In addition, the churches have five basic ministries: evangelism, disciple making, fellowship, worship, and service.  Among these ministries, the local churches in Chiang Mai city area are successful in ministries of fellowship, worship, and community service. However, the local churches should improve ministries of discipleship, community service, and evangelism. Surprisingly, the presence of some ministries are in both successful and need of improvement categories.

It is also found that there are three main factors that influence the churches’ life and ministries, namely the variety of the backgrounds of membership, members live in the city and have urban lifestyles, and members do not have an accurate biblical and theological understanding of the church. Therefore, the church should seek ways to develop life and ministries that can adequately respond to these factors so that people in the church community will have lives and ministries that are in accordance to the Bible and Christian theology.

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How to Cite
เวคแมน เ. (2018). ชีวิตและการทำพันธกิจของคริสตจักรท้องถิ่นในเขตเมืองเชียงใหม่ สังกัดคริสตจักรภาคที่ 1 สภาคริสตจักรในประเทศไทย. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 23(2), 1–23. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/pyu/article/view/135391
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