Legal Measures Relating to Legal Executions in Accordance with the Contract of Compromise by Office of the Attorney General

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สวพร นุสสติ


Living in association of human beings can cause any conflicts among the members of such community or society. This will impact the being of members who is directly facing such conflict or serious conflict might also have a huge impact on the public order. Each country has its agent in charge of reconciliating disputes in society by the different supporting law. Such laws are different in term of rule, personnel performing mediation duty and also form of the consequence of dispute resolution of each agent. 

This academic article objectives are to study the legal problem with execution of the compromise contract. The study compares the differences between the case when the conflicting parties make the reconciliation by the public prosecutor’s arrangement but violate the compromise contract and the case of the out-of-court- resolution of the Ministry of Interior by the administrative official (amphur or district). The study includes guidelines and suggestions on existing law amendment for the purpose of  handling the execution of the compromise agreement of the disputing parties by the arrangement of public prosecutors and making its effectiveness as the compromise agreement by the administrative official. In other words, the amendment is to make the compromise agreement by the public prosecutors legally effective and if one party   

Acts in violation of the term under the agreement, the other party is entitled to request the public prosecutor to file the request to competent court to issue an enforcement warrant in accordance with the agreement of compromise. This method omits the law suit brought under the compromise agreement in court like other civil compromise agreement that the disputing parties make in general. 

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How to Cite
นุสสติ ส. (2018). Legal Measures Relating to Legal Executions in Accordance with the Contract of Compromise by Office of the Attorney General. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 28(1), 121–135.
Research Articles


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