The approach in guidance project for study in music education of College of Music, Mahidol University

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ประภัสสร พวงสำลี


This article aims to propose an approach in a guidance project to study in the Music Education Department of the College of Music, Mahidol University through the aspect of Music education lecturers, College of Music, Mahidol University. There are many aspects of doing a guidance project depending on the purpose, which a guidance project operator need to understand the meaning of music education of the College of music, Mahidol University to approach the benefit of the guidance project. After gathering through the aspect of Music education lecturer that involve in the guidance project, the result from the study present that (1) the guidance project be able to consider through to the purpose of the theme of the project, which no need to be the same theme. (2) the music education students of a bachelor degree, master degree, and doctoral degree should be involved in the guidance project. (3) the guidance project is determining regard to the readiness of the music education students, and the project should be continuing to provide consistency in presenting information. (4) an approach in guidance project for study in music education of the College of music, Mahidol University can be applying for many music curricula which both for the college of music, Mahidol University and music institutions in Thailand.

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How to Cite
พวงสำลี ป. (2019). The approach in guidance project for study in music education of College of Music, Mahidol University. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 28(2), 1–12.
Academic Articles


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