Marketing Mix and Consumer Behavior towards Decision Making on Online Shopping through Social Media: A Case of Facebook in Muang District, Lampang Province

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สุวภี กลีบบัว


The study of marketing mix and consumer behavior towards decision making on online shopping through social media: a case of Facebook in Muang District, Lampang Province aims to study marketing mix factor affecting shopping decision making through social media and to study consumer behavior on shopping decision making through social media of people in Muang District, Lampang Province as a survey research. The study uses a group of 400 people as sample population and the study uses questionnaires as a study tool. The statistics methods used are percentage, average, and standard deviation.

The study reveals that marketing mix factors are important for shopping decision making through online social media: a case study of Facebook in Muang District, Lampang Province. The importance is ranked from highest to lowest in the following order which are; product shows that the sample group prioritizes the varieties of products as an important factor, distribution shows that the sample group prioritizes the convenience when purchasing product as an important factor; price shows that the sample group prioritizes the ability to compare prices as an important factor; and promotion shows that the sample group prioritizes the discount sales of out dated products as an important factor respectively.

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How to Cite
กลีบบัว ส. (2019). Marketing Mix and Consumer Behavior towards Decision Making on Online Shopping through Social Media: A Case of Facebook in Muang District, Lampang Province. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 29(1), 79–93.
Research Articles


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