Choosing an Electronic Marketplace to Increase Business Opportunities

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ณัฐฌาน สุพล
รัตน์กมล ปวรวรรฒน์
รุจพร ฟูมงคล


This academic article presents the guidelines for choosing an electronic marketplace to increase business opportunities. As Thailand’s economy is entering the digital era together with the consumer behavior that becomes more confident in online purchase, as a result, it leads the e-commerce to become an important trade channel. Accordingly, an electronic marketplace emerges as a medium for exchanging goods and services. Choosing the right electronic marketplace for increasing business opportunities is need to consider important features, such as payment systems, commenting system, goods and services managing system, product search system, the standards of selecting buyers and sellers, and service costs. Other than that, designing a beautiful website which is easy to customize and having many languages to choose from will result in a good attitude and trust in the sellers. Furthermore, the website should present the concept of technology acceptance model theory (TAM) that the intention of purchasing products starts with the recognition through personal experience of use. If the belief is positive, it will lead to a good attitude towards using the service and the intention to use the service which will result in the intention to buy finally.

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How to Cite
สุพล ณ., ปวรวรรฒน์ ร., & ฟูมงคล ร. (2020). Choosing an Electronic Marketplace to Increase Business Opportunities. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 29(2), 21–33.
Academic Articles


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