The Opportunities and Potentialities as the Trade Gateway of the Western Thailand-Myanmar Border Riverscape: A Case Study of Mae Hong Son Province

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วีรวิชญ์ ปิยนนทศิลป์


The objectives of this research were (1) to study opportunities and potentialities in Mae Hong Son province and develop its checkpoint for border trade into the border checkpoint in the western Thailand-Myanmar border riverscape and (2) to find out the impacts on the border checkpoint. The population sampling was 485 people, including 1) 30 executive officers from private sectors and government organizations, 2) 30 entrepreneurs from the office of commercial Affairs Mae Hong Son, and 3) 425 residents in Mae Hong Son province. The tool used for this study was a questionnaire.

The overall results revealed that the opportunities and potentialities as the trade gateway of the western Thailand-Myanmar’s border riverscape in Mae Hong Son Province was at high level ( = 3.65, S.D. = 0.79). The major strength is the area which consists of three Myanmar minority states; Karen, Kayah and Shan. Therefore, Thailand and Myanmar governments should play important role to have a policy to promote and open a permanent border trading blockade. Moreover, the impacts on the border checkpoint in this area was also at high level ( = 3.61, S.D. = 0.87), which revealed the positive impacts were on education, language and culture, quality of life and economy.

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ปิยนนทศิลป์ ว. (2020). The Opportunities and Potentialities as the Trade Gateway of the Western Thailand-Myanmar Border Riverscape: A Case Study of Mae Hong Son Province. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 29(2), 76–90.
Research Articles


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