The Business Success Factors of Land and Houses Public Company Limited

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ศักดิ์ณรงค์ ธุวสุจิเรข
ชิณโสณ์ วิสิฐนิธิกิจา


The purposes of this study were to determine the importance of business success factors, the indicators of business success, and the relationship between business success factors in management and the indicators of business success. The respondents were selected from 95 staff members, who are ranked from supervisor level at Land & House. Most of respondents were male, aged 36-45 years old, graduated with a bachelor’s degree, married with children, division manager position, earned an average monthly income of 40,001-50,000 baht, and duration of work for organization 11-15 years. The overview average of the opinions on business success factors in management were at a high level while the opinions on indicators of business success were at a medium level. The different personal behavior patterns, such as gender and the level of education, affected on indicators of business success, and the overview of the opinions on relationship between business success factors in management correlated and the indicators of business success are at a high level in the same direction. The factors of business success in management, such as collaboration, management system, knowledge and skills influenced indicators of success of Land and Houses at a statistically significant .05

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How to Cite
ธุวสุจิเรข ศ., & วิสิฐนิธิกิจา ช. (2020). The Business Success Factors of Land and Houses Public Company Limited. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 29(2), 114–125.
Research Articles


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