Effects of Learning Activities for Enhancing Pre-Service Teachers’ Attitude towards Teaching Profession based on Transformative Learning Concept

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สุพรทิพย์ ธนภัทรโชติวัต


The research project studied the effects of learning activities for enhancing pre-service teachers’ attitudes towards the teaching profession based on transformative learning concept. The first step was to review literature related to concepts and theory of transformative learning for classroom management at both Thai and international levels before developed to be the learning activities for enhancing pre-service teachers’ attitudes towards teaching the profession of bachelor degree students. Data collecting was distributed in the first semester of the academic year 2017. The sample complied of 35 first-year students of the Thai language program at the University of Phayao which were selected by purposive random sampling. The instrument used for data collection included reflective writing diary; classroom observation; and reflective drama project. The result revealed that the learning activities can be used to enhance the pre-service teachers’ attitude towards teaching profession on six aspects: perceiving the value of profession; love and faith in teaching profession; ability to solve problems; adaptability to live happily in social community; confidence to share opinion; and paying respect to others.

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ธนภัทรโชติวัต ส. (2020). Effects of Learning Activities for Enhancing Pre-Service Teachers’ Attitude towards Teaching Profession based on Transformative Learning Concept. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 29(2), 173–189. https://doi.org/10.14456/pyuj.2019.29
Research Articles


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