Shift Work of Employees in Industrial Factories at Chonburi Province

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วรรณภา ลือกิตินันท์


This study was qualitative research that aimed to explore the empirical effects of shift work and the adaptation of industrial shift worker in order to achieve work life balance. The key informants were 22 shift workers who work in industrial factories at Chonburi province. For data gathering, the semi-structure interview was used and purposive sampling was employed. The finding indicated that shift work has an effect on health that consisted of headache symptom, digestive system problems, physical tiredness due to insufficient sleep, and mental health. In addition, employees’ shift work had an effect on families, society and lifestyle that consisted of family relationship and social relationship. For primary guideline of shift workers’ adaption, the adjusting bedtime, refraining from caffeine, eating on time, exercising appropriately, changing positive attitudes, doing activities that relieve stress, and release the distress to others were suggested. Moreover, employees must set a clear activities schedule for family and friends, including refusing overtime work. For research suggestions, employees may consider choosing housing near the factory, strengthening physical and mental health care, and scheduling free time in accordance with family members. Meanwhile, the enterprise may consider providing facilities, such as rooms during the shift break, employee accommodation in the factory area. Moreover, the company should provide the additional benefits for shift staffs and hold the family member relationship building activities more than once a year.

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How to Cite
ลือกิตินันท์ ว. (2020). Shift Work of Employees in Industrial Factories at Chonburi Province. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 29(2), 190–204.
Research Articles


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