Guidelines for the Creative Community-based Tourism Promotion by Social Capital: A Case Study of Nakornchum Community, Kamphaeng Phet

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Chanistha Jaipeng


The research titled “Guidelines for the Creative Community-based Tourism Promotion by Social Capital: A Case Study of Nakornchum Community, Kamphaeng Phet, is based on the policy in accordance with the national development strategies which aim to develop a fundamental economy  which  sustainability of the environment, society and culture as well as  Thai identity. Through qualitative research methodology, this research aimed to study social capital of Nakhon Chum community, Kampheang Phet, and to set the guideline for promoting the creative community-based tourism by using Nakornchum Community’s social capital. Data collection instruments were questionnaire and field notes. The purposive sampling method was employed, and 60 stakeholders were recruited as participants. The findings revealed that Nakornchum community is a community that has interesting intellectual and cultural social capital and an effective community-based tourism management system. The suggestions of this research are that the community needs to emphasize on the community participation in all steps and that the creative community-based tourism should be promoted through various media channels.

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How to Cite
Jaipeng, C. (2020). Guidelines for the Creative Community-based Tourism Promotion by Social Capital: A Case Study of Nakornchum Community, Kamphaeng Phet. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 30(1), 26–38.
Research Articles


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