The Development of Import and Export Service Quality of PT Air Cargo Co., Ltd.

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Kankanit Keawmanee
Chinnaso Visitnitikija


This study had four major purposes: 1) to study service quality of an import and export business 2) to study levels of customers satisfaction 3) to compare customer satisfaction with the classification of personal information, and 4) to determine the relationship between service quality and the service satisfaction (1) towards import and export services of PT Air Cargo Co., Ltd. by using questionnaire as a data collection tool. Data attained was analyzed using statistical application of percentage, mean, t-test, F-test (one-way ANOVA), Pearson moment correlation, and multiple regression analysis.

The result indicated that the overview of service quality and customer satisfaction was at a high level. The service quality correlated to customers satisfaction at a medium level in the same direction with the detail, such as customers confidence, and customers relations which influenced customers satisfaction with statistically significance at .05 level.

The study recommended that administrative officers should provide specialized experts for consulting customers, develop logistics skills of employees in order to (2) provide standard services to customers and increase reliability of service, keep records of customers data, and use customer’s data to improve the service quality.

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How to Cite
Keawmanee , K., & Visitnitikija, C. (2020). The Development of Import and Export Service Quality of PT Air Cargo Co., Ltd. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 30(1), 39–53.
Research Articles


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