The Management Capabilities of Ceramic Entrepreneurs: A Case Study of Tourist Village, Tha Pha Subdistrict Municipality, Ko Kha District, Lampang Province

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Daoduean Lohitpura
Achara Haeprakhon


This research was a survey-based research aiming to study the management capabilities of ceramic entrepreneurs in the tourist village, Tha Pha Subdistrict Municipality, Ko Kha District, Lampang Province. The research was conducted by constructing a questionnaire and the reliability of the questionnaire was tested by means of Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. The research population consisted of 50 ceramic entrepreneurs respondents of the tourist village. The research result revealed that the overall value of management capabilities of entrepreneurs is high (=4.48). When considered on a case-by-case basis, the values were ranked from the highest to the lowest, i.e. the highest average value is marketing (=4.53), followed by production (=4.52), finance and accounting (=4.49), and planning (=4.40). The comparison of the differences of factors affecting the management capabilities of entrepreneurs was also made. It was found that the different factors on planning, production, marketing, and finance and accounting has different impacts on the management capabilities of entrepreneurs with statistically significant level at .05.  The multiple linear regression analysis showed that the correlation coefficient value of the management capabilities factors of entrepreneurs is related to each other and its relationship is in the same direction. During the research it was found that there is a relationship between factors of the management and the capabilities of entrepreneurs in all aspects with significant level at .01 statistically.  Regarding the variation value of the management factors affecting the management capabilities of ceramic entrepreneurs is accounted for 34.50 percent (R2=.345).

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How to Cite
Lohitpura , D., & Haeprakhon, A. (2020). The Management Capabilities of Ceramic Entrepreneurs: A Case Study of Tourist Village, Tha Pha Subdistrict Municipality, Ko Kha District, Lampang Province. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 30(1), 83–93.
Research Articles


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