Transgender Rights: A Study on Criminal Procedure and Punishment in Thailand

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Kasama Dechraksa


All human beings are born with a gender that is normally classified as male and female. Defining and labeling gender leads to social and cultural consequences. The Bible said that God created the first humans, Adam and Eve, paired to inherit the human race. Masculinity and femininity are defined congruently in order to reproduce and procreate the human race. However, under natural phenomenon, humans indeed are also able to possess sexual satisfaction which is different from their birth assigned gender or sexual identity. Best example is the existence of transgender.

Thailand has enacted the law that certifies a status adhering to sexual and gender diversity but it is not enough. Although Thailand is a party of multilateral treaties and related fundamental human rights such as The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966, and Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women 1979. Thailand also has the Constitution of Thailand B.C. 2560 which itself has provisions that set out the guarantee of rights, liberty and equality of the people, the Criminal Procedure Code etc. but there was no secondary related law prescribed for the treatment of the accused or inmate who is a transgender. As a result, there is a problem in the criminal procedure and punishment about how an officer treats the accused or prisoners who are transgender lawfully. Therefore, it should be considered as an appropriate legal measure to avoid discrimination on the basis of gender, in order to achieve efficient gender equality in our country.

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How to Cite
Dechraksa, K. (2020). Transgender Rights: A Study on Criminal Procedure and Punishment in Thailand. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 30(1), 124–140.
Academic Articles


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