Hi! So-Cial: Poetic Narrative

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Chadarat Soonthorntham
Saowanee Damrongrojsakul
Acharaporn Junsawang


The objective of this article was to study, by components of a short poetry, entitled Hi! So - Cial by Khwankhaw Khwanriam-Aoey, using the knowledge called “narratology,” the science of studying narrative text. The theory of narratology was used in the analysis in order to show that a short poetry can be narrative. Narrative once appeared only in a long poetry and prose such as short stories and novels. The study showed that even though the poetry, Hi! So - Cial, is a short poetry, it comprises all elements of narrative text including plot, character, setting, theme, and points of view. The narrative theory used by the poet associates past and present events in order to present two main concepts: changes caused by modernization and illusions caused by social media.

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How to Cite
Soonthorntham, C., Damrongrojsakul, S. . ., & Junsawang, A. . (2021). Hi! So-Cial: Poetic Narrative. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 30(2), 15–30. https://doi.org/10.14456/pyuj.2020.15
Academic Articles


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