The Development of Product Cost Reduction Process and Product design of Fermented Mushrooms of Pracharak Sueksa School, Khlong Khlung District, Kamphaeng Phet Province

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Anantitra Donbanthao
Kununya Benjawan
Phattraphon Ariuea


The aims of this research are twofold: 1) to develop the process of reduction cost of fermented mushroom production and 2) to develop the product design for fermented mushrooms of Pracharak Suksa School, Klong Khlung District, Kamphaeng Phet Province. The data were collected through interview form and field notes. Participants were 15 teachers and students, 2 product designers, and 50 customers.  The research found that the cost reduction in raw materials can be done through buying mushrooms from the nearby areas and through planting mushrooms at the school itself. The cost reduction regarding labor management can be done through an effective time management which includes the clarification of the labor’s job description and providing a training of production skills for the labors. The production cost has increased because of the cost of new packaging that can satisfy the customers. The product design developments consist of the packaging, taste, color, texture, and smell. The packaging consists of brand, modernity, durability, beauty, size, attractiveness, and the differences between former and new packaging designs which can impress the customers.

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How to Cite
Donbanthao , A. ., Benjawan , K. ., & Ariuea, P. . (2021). The Development of Product Cost Reduction Process and Product design of Fermented Mushrooms of Pracharak Sueksa School, Khlong Khlung District, Kamphaeng Phet Province . PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 30(2), 58–71.
Research Articles


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