Development Pro-active Public Relations Model for Capacity Increasing Promoting Tourism in Phetchabun forThailand 4.0

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Nuttakaew Khongrod


This research is mixed methods research based on the quantitative research and qualitative research. The purposes were to 1) develop the pro-active public relations model and 2) present the pro-active public relations model in increasing the potential for tourism promotion in Phetchabun for Thailand 4.0. The data gathering instrument were questionnaire and focus group. The samples were 400 tourists in Phetchabun by accidental sampling and 20 government and private personnel in tourism management by purposive sampling. The statistics for data analysis were percentage and mean. The results found that most of tourists saw the public relations model for tourism promotion in Phetchabun on Youtube. For overall, the pro-active public relations for tourism in Phetchabun was at high level. The media of Internet, Print Media, Broadcasting Media, Specialized Media, and Personal Media that were used to promote tourism in Phechabun were at high level. Digital media model for tourism public relations including Facebook, Youtube, Tourism Website, Line, and Instagram were at high level, whereas Twitter was at moderate level.  For tourism public relations, most of tourist preferred digital media at high level, whereas Instagram and Twitter were at moderate level. This research is also found that the present of pro-active public relations model for capacity increasing tourism in Phetchabun for Thailand 4.0 that the stakeholders can use are 1) thinking strategy of tourist behavior, 2) media strategy for target users, and 3) selling point strategy of the use of still image and animation for pro-active public relations that most of entrepreneurs have preferred.

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How to Cite
Khongrod, N. . (2021). Development Pro-active Public Relations Model for Capacity Increasing Promoting Tourism in Phetchabun forThailand 4.0. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 30(2), 103–117.
Research Articles


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