Finding the Efficiency of the Results on Using the Royal Vocabulary for the King, the Body-category Vocabulary of Thai Language for Grade 4th Thai Students, at Unity Concord International School, Chiang Mai Province

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Prapatsorn SomsathanFirst


This study was quasi-experimental classroom research aiming 1) to find the efficiency of using the programmed lessons on the glossary of royal body words taught in the Thai language class and 2) to examine the results after using the lessons for 4th-grade Thai students at Unity Concord International School, Chiang Mai Province. The target population consisted of two student groups. There were three students in Group 1 who were utilized in creating and searching the lesson efficiency. There were eight students in Group 2 who were utilized in investigating lesson results. All participating were the 4th-grade students at Unity Concord International School, Chiang Mai Province. The research instruments consisted of 1) the programmed lessons on the glossary of royal body words in the Thai language class, 4th-grade students. Their congruence values of principles and content structures ranged from 0.67 to 1.00. And, 2) a 10-item test measuring learning outcomes both before and after learning the lessons. Its congruence values of principles and content structures ranged from 0.67 to 1.00; the overall average value of difficulty was 0.58. The findings were 1) the efficiency value of the programmed lessons was 92.00/83.33 which was higher than the standard value of 80/80. 2) The learning outcomes of the 4th-grade students studying via the programmed lessons on the glossary of royal body words in the Thai language class. Their average pre-test score was 3.63; the post-test one was 8.75 out of 10. It could conclude that the learning outcome after studying was higher than that before studying with a 5.12 average score.

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How to Cite
SomsathanFirst, P. . (2021). Finding the Efficiency of the Results on Using the Royal Vocabulary for the King, the Body-category Vocabulary of Thai Language for Grade 4th Thai Students, at Unity Concord International School, Chiang Mai Province. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 31(1), 1–14.
Research Articles


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