Development of Digital Citizenship of Student in 21st Century

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Kanchana Detsom
Rungchatchadaporn Vehachart


This academic article aims to present the concepts of being the digital citizenship and guidelines for developing digital citizenship of students in the 21st century. Digital citizenship is important in learning skills in the 21st century, digital citizenship can be categorized into three main features: 1) Having digital etiquette. 2) Responsible for using digital and 3) Creating digital innovations. Developing Digital Citizenship for 21st Century students has the following guidelines: 1) Develop a digital citizen curriculum, prepare courses and manage teaching and learning to integrate into the learning of various subjects, organize extra-curricular activities for students to have better knowledge and understanding and to use them in real life. 2) Develop administrators and teachers to have knowledge, skills and integrated competence, have in-depth knowledge and ability to solve problems, create a master teacher in teaching professional development, build a learning community between teachers practicing the same profession. 3) Develop resources and learning resources support and develop learning styles that are appropriate for learners through digital processes, linking knowledge or exchanging knowledge with the community, create opportunities for students to access technology media and there are quality tools and resources.

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How to Cite
Detsom , K. ., & Vehachart, R. . (2021). Development of Digital Citizenship of Student in 21st Century. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 31(1), 151–163.
Academic Articles


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