Marketing Strategy 4.0 for Community Products

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Kristiya Moonsri


This article aims to present the knowledge of marketing 4.0 and marketing strategies guidelines for community products in the marketing 4.0 era, due to the evolution of marketing has occurred over time. In the marketing 4.0 era, consumers are increasingly likely to be involved in providing product information. The consumers have voluntarily formed community groups to discuss and exchange information and experiences. As a result of these discussions and information exchanges, purchase decisions have been influenced. According to the advancements in technology and the Internet, the consumers can now access the Internet to get information about products or services more easily and quickly.  The consumers are at the core of marketing in the 4.0 era, which stimulates them to be co-creators of content and new products or services and aims to provide value and trust to them. Furthermore, integrated tools and interactions between online and offline marketing must be established in order to allow more customers to participate and to strengthen business-to-consumer relationships, including brand loyalty. Consumers have a strong influence on purchasing decisions; therefore, marketing strategies for community products in the marketing 4.0 era must focus on building relationships and trust with them, encourage consumers to participate in providing product information, and create a virtual community to share information with each other. Community business entrepreneurs need to transform their 4P's marketing mix strategy into a new strategy, known as the 4C's, consisting of C1 (Co-creation), C2 (Digital currency), C3 (Communal activation), and C4 (Conversation and commercialization). This 4C's strategy is a marketing mix strategy that connects to a new consumer journey (5A's model), comprising A1 (Aware), A2 (Appeal), A3 (Ask), A4 (Act), and A5 (Advocate). This is to produce effective marketing outcomes for community products that are consistent with present and future consumer behavior.

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How to Cite
Moonsri, K. . (2021). Marketing Strategy 4.0 for Community Products. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 31(1), 164–180.
Academic Articles


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