Development of Lesson Handouts about Senior Scout’s Badges Mattayomsuksa 3, Sanpatong Wittayakom School, The Secondary Educational Service Area Office 34

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Varunee Pothasin
Amnat Chanpan
Nitaya Moonsarn


This research aimed to study the effects of the lesson handouts and compare the learning achievement before and after using the senior scout’s badges lessons. This research was pre-experimental design. The sample of the study was 52 students of Mattayomsuksa 3, Sanpatong Wittayakom School in the 2nd semester of 2019, who were selected by using cluster sampling. Research instrument was 6 lesson handouts that were validated by the experts and the index of Item-Objective Congruence was at 4.30. The 6 learning achievement tests consisted of 30 questions in each test. The index of Item-Objective Congruence ranged from 0.67-1.00. The Discrimination was at least 0.6 and the reliability was the more at 0.70. The data were analyzed statistically by means, percentage, and standard deviation. The learning achievement was analyzed by t-test. The results revealed that the effectiveness of all lesson handouts met at the expected effectiveness level of 80/80.  The findings from the themes of the citizenship was at 85.16/85.90, the environmental protect was at 85.00/86.22, the adventurer was at 84.07/85.06, the forest protector was at 87.50/88.97, the astronomer was at 86.00/86.66 and the chef was at 87.50/88.97. Regarding the learning achievement, it was found that the comparison of learning achievement after using the 6 lesson handouts was significantly higher than before using the lesson handouts at the level of .05

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How to Cite
Pothasin, V. ., Chanpan, A. ., & Moonsarn, N. . (2022). Development of Lesson Handouts about Senior Scout’s Badges Mattayomsuksa 3, Sanpatong Wittayakom School, The Secondary Educational Service Area Office 34. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 32(1), 1–18.
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