A Semantics Change of [kin] from the Concept of ‘EATING IS LIFE’ in Thai Language

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Pinanong Ampala


‘EATING IS LIFE’ is conveyed by conceptual mapping in accordance with human cognitive process. Accordingly, this research aims to analyze semantic change of the word ‘eat’ and factors affecting the semantic change of this word in Thai novels. The data were collected from Thai novels composed and published from 1904 to 2019 and they were analyzed in terms of concepts, conceptual metaphors, and semantic change based on cognitive linguistic theory.

            The finding reveals that the semantic change of the word ‘eat’ reflected in ‘EATING IS LIFE’ concept conveys ways of life, well-beings, behavior, concepts of language users and entities surrounding human. The aforementioned semantic change indicates positive and negative meanings. Regarding factors affecting the semantic change of the concept ‘EATING IS LIFE’, there is a relation to western culture acquisition as part of human life such as values on premarital cohabitation and premarital sex. Therefore, the study on the semantic change from the aforementioned concept is a proof of a cognitive process which reflects a conceptual system of language users.

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How to Cite
Ampala, P. . (2022). A Semantics Change of [kin] from the Concept of ‘EATING IS LIFE’ in Thai Language. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 32(1), 19–35. https://doi.org/10.14456/pyuj.2022.2
Research Articles


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