Creating Instructional Package “Harmony: Method for Teaching Root Position Part Writing by Using Cooperative Learning”

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Watchara Solosphrom


This quasi-experimental research aimed to explore the effectiveness of instructional package harmony: method for teaching root position part writing by using cooperative learning. The study also aimed at students’ satisfaction towards cooperative learning. The participants were 20 students divided into 4 groups. Each group consisted of 5 students which 1 was an outstanding student while other 2 were average competence and the rest were considered as less competence students. The study lasted 3 periods, 180 minutes, or 9 hours in total. The research instruments included 1) instructional package harmony: method for teaching root position part writing by using cooperative learning comprising of course content, user manual, and 3 lesson plans, 2) pretest – posttest and formative assessment, and 3) a questionnaire of students’ satisfaction towards cooperative learning. The results revealed that the instructional package was found to be effective at 87.50/81.00, which was higher than the threshold set as 80/80, matching with the hypothesis. The students were satisfied with the cooperative learning with an average of 4.61, higher than the 3.50 threshold, which was in line with the hypothesis.

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How to Cite
Solosphrom, W. . (2022). Creating Instructional Package “Harmony: Method for Teaching Root Position Part Writing by Using Cooperative Learning”. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 32(1), 36–49.
Research Articles


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