Graduate Students’ Opinion on Online at Teaching Tertiary Level in Lampang Province

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Hussaya Wongwan
Benrisa Thongchamroon
Charoensri Yomcharoen


This research aimed to study opinions of students in higher education institutions in Lampang Province towards online teaching and learning. The sample group was 300 students at the higher education level in Lampang Province. Research instrument was a survey questionnaire. The results of the study found that the majority of the users were female and everyone could access an internet. Most of them experienced on online learning and examination. The equipment used for studying and taking online exams were touch screen computers and mobile phones. Most of them used the internet for chatting and searching information. Online learning was also taken place at home and dormitory. Regarding the preferred learning mode, it was found that classroom learning and online learning with clip teaching were preferable respectively. For opinions towards online teaching and learning, students relatively agreed that online learning was comfortable and relaxing. However, it lacked of interaction with peers and demotivated learning. Students also disagreed if online learning will be implemented in the future. Regarding students’ opinions towards online examination, it was found that students were worried in a highest degree. The researcher has suggested two approaches for online learning management; 1) teaching in the classroom by recording clips for lesson review and 2) blended learning.

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How to Cite
Wongwan, H. ., Thongchamroon, B. ., & Yomcharoen, C. . (2022). Graduate Students’ Opinion on Online at Teaching Tertiary Level in Lampang Province. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 32(1), 94–107.
Research Articles


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