The Nutritionism of Chiang Mai Local Food approach to New Normal Tourism Period

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Songsuk Boonthawong
Nakharet Utchaya


This article aims to analyze Chiang Mai’s local food to promote new normal-era tourism in three main areas; 1) nutritionism in tourism situations that offer current food experience, 2) global nutritionism and the changes of local food culture, and 3) nutritionism with local food identity.

The report can be concluded into the three aspects. Firstly, culinary tourism in New Normal could be able to serve local experiences. Activities should focus on direct experience to healthy food consisting of place of food system, activities promoting relationship between tourists and places, and direct experiences having on local cuisine. Secondly, local cuisine culture has been changed in terms of perspectives which promote global nutrition and local nutrition at the same time, not the change of consumer behavior of local people. Lastly, the concern of the change of characteristics of local food due to the processing has been risen. There is a question what issues should be promoted for food tourism in Chiang Mai correspondingly to the authenticity of food culture and universal nutrition. 

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How to Cite
Boonthawong, S. ., & Utchaya, N. . (2022). The Nutritionism of Chiang Mai Local Food approach to New Normal Tourism Period. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 32(1), 120–133.
Academic Articles


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