The Study of Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Self-adjustment of Lanna Traditional Singing Artist in Chiang Mai Province

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Ohm Chanteyoon
Krerkpong Jaikum


This research has three purposes: (1) to study the impact of the 2019 Coronavirus Disease epidemic on Lanna singing artists in Chiang Mai; (2) to study the adaptation of Lanna singing artists in Chiang Mai against the spread of the 2019 coronavirus disease; and (3) to look into the difficulties and solutions regarding the adaptation of Lanna singing artists in Chiang Mai. Interviews with ten Lanna singers in Chiang Mai were conducted as part of a qualitative research methodology. The researcher determined the sample size based on the purpose of the study. The results show that:  (1) The epidemic has affected the artists’ profession. Performing shows were canceled due to the public’s fear of contracting the virus, as well as the government's issuing various orders. (2) During the disease’s epidemic, artists adapted by pursuing additional occupations such as social media singing and writing a poem about the crisis. (3) Artists over the age of 40 had difficulty adapting to social media performances because of lacking modern skills and equipment.  The solution consisted of both the assistance of fellow artists who were invited to collaborate through social media and the press in order to make society aware of the impact of the situation until government agencies offered support.

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How to Cite
Chanteyoon, O. ., & Jaikum, K. . (2023). The Study of Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Self-adjustment of Lanna Traditional Singing Artist in Chiang Mai Province. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 32(2), 18–31.
Research Articles


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