Success factors of managing the Gold Color Longan Flesh Processing Community Enterprise Management in Ban Thi Sub-District, Ban Thi, Lamphun Province

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Isaree Baedcharoen
Aritat Aksorntap
Chanvit Jatuprayoon


The purpose of this research was to synthesize the success factors of managing the Gold Color Longan Flesh Processing Community Enterprise Management, Banthi   Sub-district, Banthi, Lamphun province.The qualitative method with community participative technique was used in this research. Participants selected by purposive sampling method were 15 including chairman, members, and stakeholders of the Gold Color Longan Flesh Processing Community Enterprise. Data were collected from focus group, in-depth interview, and non-participant observation in order to have authentic data of management experiences and local cooperation. The findings outlined the importance of 5 factors that were perceived to have a significant influence on the success of the Gold Color Longan Flesh Processing Community Enterprise. The majority of respondents strongly agreed that three factors of management, leadership, and membership are considered critical to success in the management in the Gold Color Longan Flesh Processing Community Enterprise. Nonetheless, the related government sectors need to provide other two factors which are financial and supporting factors for future economic sustainability in the community.  This study can serve as a guideline for other community Enterprise who have similar context to achieve sustainable development.

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How to Cite
Baedcharoen , I. ., Aksorntap , A. ., & Jatuprayoon, C. . (2023). Success factors of managing the Gold Color Longan Flesh Processing Community Enterprise Management in Ban Thi Sub-District, Ban Thi, Lamphun Province. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 32(2), 82–98.
Research Articles


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