Innovation of Chinese Learning Integration for Manpower Preparation in 21st Century under Chiang Rai Special Economic Zone

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Somyos Chanboon
Nirat Tongkaw
Suriya Kasetsukthavorn
Xu Shaoxian


This research aims to create and develop electronic books (E - book) and E - learning lessons to promote Chinese language learning for tourism, border trade, and logistics services for people live in the Special Economic Zone of Chiang Rai Province. Sampling group was used in the field data collection consists of 115 people, which is divided into 100 people for a questionnaire response and sample group of 15 people for interviewing response. The sample group used in the innovation test is total of 45 people. The research tools are questionnaire, a satisfactory assessment form and form of interviewing. Data analysis statistics are analyzed in percentage, mean and standard deviation. Research finding showed that 85% of entrepreneurs had problem with Chinese communication in terms of tourism, border trade and logistics services. The result for finding the innovation efficiency showed that the scale of field experiment (1:100) as standard criteria of 80/80 achieved an E1/E2 of 87.75/89. 61, which is higher than the specified criteria. For the results of the satisfactory assessment towards innovation, the average score was totally highest level ( = 4.66).

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How to Cite
Chanboon, S. ., Tongkaw, N. ., Kasetsukthavorn, S. ., & Shaoxian, X. . (2023). Innovation of Chinese Learning Integration for Manpower Preparation in 21st Century under Chiang Rai Special Economic Zone. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 32(2), 99–111.
Research Articles


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