Group Process for Self-Esteem Development Based on the Principles of Buddhist Psychology

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Itthikorn Kaewkhongkaew


The article entitled “Group Process for Self-esteem Development Based on the Principles of Buddhist Psychology” aims to propose a guideline for using the psychology-based group process to improve self-esteem. The principles of three bases of intellectual activity design were presented in line with the principle of self-development on the middle path, known as “Majjhimapatipada” (The middle path) or “Makkha 8” (The noble eightfold path). This is to point out the importance of group processes. If facilitators create a purposeful learning experience, leadership, and learning styles in an inappropriate way, it will affect participants' positive perceptions of themselves. On the contrary, if the process is created in the right way, the results will allow the participants to have self-awareness, learn about themselves, be respectful and self-esteemed. Creating an identity in a positive direction can make people behave appropriately, understand themselves and others, and be ultimately preferred by the society.

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How to Cite
Kaewkhongkaew, I. . (2023). Group Process for Self-Esteem Development Based on the Principles of Buddhist Psychology. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 32(2), 162–171.
Academic Articles


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