Factors Affecting the Marketing Mix in Purchase of Agricultural Machinery in Chiang Mai
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The objectives of this research were to study 1) the personal, economic, and social characteristics of farmers 2) the level of importance of farmers’ marketing mix, and 3) marketing mix factors affecting the purchase of agricultural machinery of farmers. The sample group comprised 397 farmers in Chiang Mai. The data were collected using questionnaire and analyzed by descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis using the Enter method.
The study results revealed that 1) most of the informants were male, average aged of 55 years old, have primary education or less, have marital status, have an average of 4 household members, have an average total number of 3 household laborers, have an average household holding area of 7.39 rai, and have an average total household income of 170,682.62 baht per year, most of the farmers do not have a social position and have worked on a farm for an average of 23 years. 2) In overall, farmers attach importance to the marketing mix was at a high level (x ̅ = 3.73). 3) Factors positively affecting the marketing mix in buying agricultural machinery of farmers statistically significant at the 0.05 level, there were 4 variables: gender (male), age, number of workers in the agricultural sector and gross household income. At the same time, negative factors statistically significant at the 0.01 level were the duration of farming.
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