Development of a Transparent Operational Management for a Product Processing Group of a Community Enterprise in Pa Pae Subdistrict, Mae Tang District, Chiang Mai Province

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Ratchaneekorn Panya


The objective of this research was to investigate the management of a community enterprise and design and develop operational management system for the transparency of a product processing group of the community enterprise in Pa Pae Subdistrict, Mae Tang District, Chiang Mai Province. The research population was 59 community enterprise members from the product processing group. Samplings for the study were the five local administrators and two Subdistrict Administrative Organization officials. The research tools were interviews and questionnaires. The qualitative analysis was conducted by verifying the completeness of the data obtained with the scope of the content and the objective. The quantitative analysis was performed using both mean and standard deviation.
The research revealed that the product processing group of the community enterprise in Pa Pae Subdistrict, Mae Tang District, Chiang Mai Province, provided the administration of production, marketing, structures and personnel, communications, and finance and accounting. The members were involved in managing structures, personnel, and communications to a large extent. In addition, the members had guidelines for developing the operations and designing the operating systems for the community enterprise of the product processing group, namely the planning, producing, and marketing to produce and distribute products. There was an administrative structure that divided the departments in the function of tasks. The technology was introduced to help coordination via social media to lead to communication for decision-making or solving problems promptly. The operation was also transparent.

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How to Cite
Panya, R. . (2023). Development of a Transparent Operational Management for a Product Processing Group of a Community Enterprise in Pa Pae Subdistrict, Mae Tang District, Chiang Mai Province. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 33(1), 35–51.
Research Articles


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