Professional Skills of Accountants that Affect Financial Reporting Quality of Enterprises in Lampang Province

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Anongwan Upradit
Jiranun Bupunhasamai


The objectives of this research were to study 1) opinions of the professional skills of accountants and financial reporting quality, and 2) the professional skills of accountants affecting the financial reporting quality of enterprises in Lampang province. A quantitative questionnaire survey method was employed and a survey instrument with a structured questionnaire was distributed. The sampling group was 365 entrepreneurs in Lampang. Descriptive statistics was applied and data were analyzed using: frequency, percentage, and inferential statistics analyzed by multiple regression analysis.
The results showed that overall opinions of the professional skills of accountants are high-ranged, ranging from the highest to lowest with average mean score as follows: intellectual skills, technical skills, interpersonal relationships and communication skills, personal skills; and organizational and business management skills. Overall opinions of financial reporting quality ranged from the highest to lowest with average mean score as follows: timeliness, verifiability, understandability, and comparability. The results of statistics analyzed by multiple regression techniques showed that intellectual skills, technical skills, interpersonal relationships, and communication skills have a direct effect on the financial reporting quality of enterprises in Lampang province with statistically significant at 0.05 level. In contrast, personal skills and organizational and business management skills have an indirect effect on the financial reporting quality of enterprises in Lampang province.

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How to Cite
Upradit, A. ., & Bupunhasamai, J. . (2023). Professional Skills of Accountants that Affect Financial Reporting Quality of Enterprises in Lampang Province. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 33(1), 66–79.
Research Articles


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