A Development of the Local Wisdom of Traditional Handicrafts to be Community Innovations: A Case Study of Khongchaim, Sirinthorn and Bundarik Districts, Ubon Ratchathani Province

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Rangsan Naiprom


The research aimed to study the local wisdom related to handicrafts leading to creative community innovations and to develop a model of the community of traditional handicraft innovation along the border area of Ubon Ratchathani province. The research was qualitative work. The research instruments were an in-depth interview, and records of participatory and non-participatory observations. Which were used to collect data from the following sample sets: local scholars, community leaders, and members of the handicraft groups totaling 20. Major findings are as follows. 1) For a diversity of local wisdom related to local handicrafts found in the border communities, there were both household tools and handicrafts used as animal traps. Including a round-shaped rice container, a square-shaped rice container, a rice-steaming bamboo tool, a rice-winnowing basket, a fish container, locally made broom, etc. 2) For the development of the local handicrafts along the border districts, three stages were developed: 1) a public forum for community opinions, 2) a development stage of the local handicrafts, and 3) imparting knowledge to the communities. Accordingly, five products were innovated from the model: plant pots from the basket, plant pots from the rice steaming container, a bag from the rice steam container and a bag from the rice bamboo container. These innovations were from an application of innovation in a creative economy. Innovations generated under the creative economy principles were adapted to develop the local wisdom of the border villages in order to promote the grassroots economy and drive a new stream of economy so that communities grow stronger and more economically sustainable.

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How to Cite
Naiprom, R. . . (2023). A Development of the Local Wisdom of Traditional Handicrafts to be Community Innovations: A Case Study of Khongchaim, Sirinthorn and Bundarik Districts, Ubon Ratchathani Province. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 33(1), 80–95. https://doi.org/10.14456/pyuj.2023.6
Research Articles


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