Potential and Guidelines for Ecotourism Management at Maneepruek Village, Ngob Sub-District, Thungchang District, Nan Province
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This mixed method study on potential and quidelines for eco-tourism management at Maneepruek village, Ngob sub-district, Thungchang district, Nan province was conducted to: 1) explore potential in eco-tourism management; 2) investigate factors having related to the potential in eco-tourism; and 3) propose guidelines for the management of eco-tourism. The sample group consisted of local people, tourists, village leaders and village committee. A set of questionnaires was used for data collection and analyzed by using mean, percentage, standard and Chi-square. Also, an interview schedule was used to obtain qualitative data. Findings showed that Maneepruek village had potential in terms of place, natural route and cleanliness/safety system management with a statistical significance level at 0.05 (2 = 8.168, Sig. = .017). Guidelines for the management of eco-tourism there comprised 3 main components: the community, the government sector and the private sector. That was, the community must be encouraged to participate in planning and benefit sharing. The government sector must manage financial support and play roles in monitoring/assessment. Also, quality services of the private sector must be developed. Besides, the community leader should be the center for local development together with the government sector.
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