English Sentence Structure Usage in Leading News of Online Bangkok Post Newspaper
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The purpose of this research is to analyze and compare the characteristics of the English sentence structures that appear in the leading news of the Bangkok Post online focusing on COVID-19 situation news, political news, business news, and sports news.
The research sample consisted of 1,002 leading news articles, comprising a total of 1,037 sentences, collected from the online Bangkok Post between June 2021 and August 2021. The sample was selected randomly using purposive sampling. The instrument used in this study was the pattern structure of sentences, which includes simple sentences, compound sentences, complex sentences, and compound-complex sentences (Hogue & Oshima, 2006). The statistical analysis employed to compare the frequency of sentence types included the mean and percentage.
The study revealed that the most commonly used English sentence structure overall was the complex sentence, accounting for 738 sentences (71.17%), followed by the simple sentence, with 241 sentences (23.24%). The third most common sentence structure was the compound-complex sentence, with 36 sentences (3.47%), while the least common was the compound sentence, with 22 sentences (2.12%). These findings indicate the usage patterns of English sentence structures in leading news articles and their potential contribution to the development of English teaching materials for teaching various sentence structures in different genres of writing.
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