The Approach to Risk Management for Tourism Business in Post New Normal: A Case Study of Tour Business in Mueang District, Chiang Mai Province

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Rujaya Thonnongdu
Kewalin Chiangteera
Juthaphon Saikham-ai
Songsuk Boonthawong


This research aims to study the risks of the tour business and to propose a guideline for risk management in Mueang District, Chiang Mai Province. The research is conducted as a qualitative method by using semi-structured interview forms and an in-depth interview as a tool to collect the data. The sample groups are 4 tour operators in Mueang District, Chiang Mai Province. Consequently, the data has been analyzed in conjunction with risk management concepts.
The study found that the four tourism companies in Chiang Mai faced risks which are a lack of effective strategies for risk management, operations, marketing, social and economic aspects. Therefore, the risk management approach for the tourism business after the new normal should be prepared for the environment within the organization up to date with situation as presented with a skill mapping model. The upskill includes service, technology innovation, and capital management. The reskill is about creating new knowledge service quality is the application of psychology and design thinking in service delivery, designing organizational goals or other skills. All skills will help increase risk management for the post new normal travel business more effectively.

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How to Cite
Thonnongdu, R. ., Chiangteera, K. ., Saikham-ai, J. ., & Boonthawong, S. . (2023). The Approach to Risk Management for Tourism Business in Post New Normal: A Case Study of Tour Business in Mueang District, Chiang Mai Province. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 33(1), 161–174.
Research Articles


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